This platform allows merchants to accept payments from customers in different countries and currencies, making it easier for them to expand their business globally. The platform typically supports various payment methods, including credit and debit cards, e-wallets, bank transfers, and other alternative payment options. It also provides fraud prevention and risk management tools to ensure secure transactions. The platform may charge a fee for each transaction or offer a subscription-based pricing model.
Risk Appetite
Risk AppetiteMedium Risk, High Risk ,PCI CompliantLevel 1 ,Live MID ETA2-7 days ,Processing currenciesEUR, INR, KZT, UAH, USD ,Settlement CurrenciesBTC, USDT ,MDRtrxvolume
3D Secure Processing,Cross Border Payments,Refunds
Online Payments,Payment Gateway,Whitelabel
Accepted Industries
Crypto,Financial Services,Gambling,Gaming
Payment Options
American Express,Maestro,Mastercard,UnionPay,Visa