MoonSwap aims to provide users with a seamless and efficient trading experience by leveraging the benefits of Layer 2 scaling solutions. By utilizing Conflux Network, MoonSwap is able to achieve high transaction throughput and low transaction fees, making it an attractive option for traders.In addition, MoonSwap is supported by the Cross-Chain Asset Protocol ShuttleFlow, which allows for the seamless transfer of assets between different blockchains. This enables users to easily move their assets between Ethereum and Conflux Network, further enhancing the interoperability and accessibility of the platform.One of the key features of MoonSwap is its focus on asset utilization. By implementing a unique liquidity mining mechanism, MoonSwap incentivizes users to provide liquidity to the platform, thereby increasing the overall liquidity pool and improving the trading experience for all users.Overall, MoonSwap aims to provide a decentralized and efficient trading platform that combines the benefits of Layer 2 scaling solutions, cross-chain interoperability, and incentivized liquidity provision.