In addition, our gateway provides advanced fraud prevention tools to protect our merchants from fraudulent transactions. Our AI-powered fraud detection system analyzes transactions in real-time, identifying potential fraud patterns and blocking suspicious transactions before they can be completed.Furthermore, our gateway offers a comprehensive reporting system that provides merchants with detailed insights into their payment processing activities. Merchants can access real-time transaction data, track payment trends, and generate custom reports to help them make informed business decisions.Overall, the PayFuture gateway is a powerful tool for merchants looking to expand their business into emerging markets. With our advanced payment processing capabilities, fraud prevention tools, and comprehensive reporting system, we help merchants increase their revenue and grow their business in new and exciting regions.
Risk Appetite
Risk AppetiteLow Risk, Medium Risk, High Risk ,License TypeAcquiring Bank,RegulatedYes ,Live MID ETA2-7 days ,Processing currenciesARS, BDT, BRL, CLP, INR, MXN, NGN, PEN, PKR, USD ,Settlement CurrenciesUSDT, ALL, EUR, USD ,MDRtrxvolume
Cross Border Payments,Currency Conversion,Payouts,Real Time Payments
Master Merchant Account,Mobile Checkout,Online Payments,Payment Gateway,Smart Routing,Whitelabel
Accepted Industries