SEB Unveils Global Fund Targeting Sustainable Investments

SEB has introduced a new global fund dedicated to sustainable investments, aiming to drive positive environmental and social impact. The fund is set to leverage innovative strategies and provide investors with opportunities aligned with global sustainability goals.

SEB Launches SEB Global Sustainable Companies Fund

SEB has introduced the SEB Global Sustainable Companies Fund, a pioneering investment vehicle designed to focus solely on sustainable companies. This new fund sets a high standard for environmental and social responsibility in the investment sector.

Fund Classification and Alignment

The SEB Global Sustainable Companies Fund, classified as Article 9 under the EU’s SFDR, targets investments that promote environmental and social sustainability or avoid significant harm. It aligns with the EU Taxonomy and supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals, reflecting SEB’s strong commitment to global sustainability standards.

Index and Investment Strategy

Operating under the MSCI World Net Return Index, the fund selects approximately 500 companies from a pool of 1,500 firms across 20 developed countries. SEB employs a systematic, rule-driven approach to minimize deviation from the benchmark while incorporating rigorous sustainability metrics.

Carbon Intensity and Sustainability Metrics

SEB reports that the carbon intensity of the Global Sustainable Companies Fund is roughly 50% lower than its benchmark index. Consequently, this significant reduction highlights the fund’s commitment to minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. This significant reduction underscores the fund’s commitment to lowering greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to carbon intensity, the fund considers various sustainability parameters, including the UN’s SDGs and EU environmental goals, further reinforcing its focus on comprehensive sustainability.

Expert Insights and Future Outlook

Elisabet Jamal Bergström, Head of Sustainability at SEB Investment Management, highlighted the increasing market interest in sustainable, index-linked funds. She noted, “We see that interest in index-linked funds is growing, alongside a demand for Article 9 funds aimed at sustainable investments.”

Natasha Kubát, Portfolio Manager at SEB, expressed enthusiasm about the fund’s dual focus on sustainability and global diversification. She commented, “We are proud of this fund, which integrates sustainability goals while providing excellent global diversification. It considers multiple sustainability parameters, including greenhouse gas emissions and alignment with the UN’s SDGs and EU environmental goals.”

Martin Rydell, Head of Index & Solutions at SEB, praised the fund’s design and objectives. “We have developed a cost-effective fund that offers access to our entire sustainability model, delivering returns and a risk profile in line with the benchmark,” Rydell stated.
