The protocol utilizes an automated market maker (AMM) model, where liquidity providers deposit their tokens into liquidity pools. These pools are used to facilitate trades and provide liquidity to the market.SeeSwap uses a constant product formula, similar to other AMMs like Uniswap, to determine the price and amount of tokens exchanged in a trade. This ensures that the product of the token balances remains constant, maintaining a balanced market.Users can trade directly on SeeSwap by connecting their wallets and selecting the tokens they want to trade. The protocol will automatically calculate the exchange rate and execute the trade with minimal slippage.In addition to trading, SeeSwap also allows users to provide liquidity to the pools and earn fees in return. Liquidity providers deposit an equal value of two tokens into a pool, and in return, they receive liquidity tokens representing their share of the pool. These liquidity tokens can be redeemed at any time, along with a portion of the trading fees generated by the pool.SeeSwap also offers portfolio management features, allowing users to track and manage their token holdings. Users can view their portfolio balances, transaction history, and performance metrics all in one place.Furthermore, SeeSwap provides a solution for price censorship resistance. By utilizing decentralized oracles, the protocol ensures that the price data used for trading is accurate and tamper-proof. This prevents any manipulation or censorship of prices, providing a fair and transparent trading environment.Overall, SeeSwap Protocol on Harmony Protocol offers a decentralized and efficient way to trade, provide liquidity, and manage portfolios on the Harmony blockchain.