

They realized that the traditional credit system was flawed and often excluded individuals who didnt have a credit history or a high credit score. This inspired them to create a credit card that would be accessible to everyone, regardless of their credit history.One of the key features of the TomoCredit card is the 2 for 2 program. This program allows cardholders to build credit by making just two small purchases per month and paying them off in full. This simple and effective strategy helps individuals establish a positive credit history and improve their credit score over time.Another advantage of the TomoCredit card is that it doesnt require a credit history for approval. This means that even individuals who are new to the country or have never had a credit card before can easily get approved for a Tomo card. This is a game-changer for many people who have struggled to access credit in the past.Additionally, the TomoCredit card has no fees. This means no annual fees, no foreign transaction fees, and no late payment fees. This is a refreshing change from traditional credit cards that often come with a range of fees that can add up over time.Overall, TomoCredit is revolutionizing the credit card industry by offering a smart and inclusive solution for individuals who have been excluded by the traditional credit system. With its 2 for 2 program, no credit history required, and no fees, the TomoCredit card is a great option for anyone looking to build credit and take advantage of the perks of a credit card.

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