

CrowdProperty operates by connecting property developers in need of financing with individual investors looking to invest in property projects. The platform allows developers to submit their project details and funding requirements, which are then reviewed by CrowdProperty’s team of experts.Once a project is approved, it is listed on the platform and investors can choose to invest in it. Investors can browse through the available projects, review the details and financials, and decide how much they want to invest. The minimum investment amount is typically around £500.Investors can diversify their investments by spreading their capital across multiple projects. CrowdProperty also offers an AutoInvest feature, which automatically spreads an investor’s capital across a range of projects based on their investment preferences.CrowdProperty’s team conducts thorough due diligence on each project, including assessing the developer’s track record, the project’s feasibility, and the security being offered. This helps to mitigate the risk for investors and ensures that only high-quality projects are listed on the platform.Once a project is fully funded, the funds are transferred to the developer, who can then proceed with the project. Throughout the duration of the project, CrowdProperty monitors the progress and provides updates to investors.As the project progresses, the developer makes regular interest payments to the investors. At the end of the project, the developer repays the principal amount to the investors.CrowdProperty charges fees to both developers and investors. Developers pay a fee for listing their project on the platform, while investors pay a fee based on the interest earned on their investments.Overall, CrowdProperty provides a streamlined and efficient platform for property developers to access financing and for investors to invest in property projects. It offers a win-win solution for both parties, enabling developers to secure funding for their projects and investors to earn attractive returns on their investments.

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