Users can also view and analyze on-chain data such as token prices, trading volumes, liquidity pools, and historical data. The platform provides advanced charting tools and indicators to help traders make informed decisions. Users can set up price alerts and receive notifications when certain conditions are met.DexGuru also offers a portfolio tracker where users can monitor their holdings across multiple wallets and blockchains. The portfolio tracker provides real-time updates on the value of the user’s assets and allows them to track their performance over time.In addition to trading and portfolio tracking, DexGuru provides educational resources and market insights to help users stay informed about the latest trends and developments in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. Users can access articles, tutorials, and analysis to enhance their trading strategies and understanding of the market.Overall, DexGuru aims to provide a comprehensive trading platform for modern traders, combining on-chain analytics, trading capabilities, portfolio tracking, and educational resources to empower users in the decentralized finance ecosystem.