

With RoosterMoney, parents can easily track their child pocket money and teach them valuable money management skills. The app allows parents to set up automatic allowance payments, so kids can receive their money on a regular basis. Parents can also choose to split the allowance into different pots, such as spending, saving, and giving, to help children learn about budgeting and saving for different goals.Children can access their accounts through the app and see how much money they have in each pot. They can then decide how they want to use their money, whether it for buying toys, saving up for a bigger purchase, or donating to a charity. This helps children develop a sense of financial responsibility and learn the value of money.Rooster PLUS account offers additional features to enhance the money management experience. Parents can add chores for their children to complete and assign a monetary value to each chore. This encourages children to take on responsibilities and earn money through their efforts. The app also allows parents to pay their child interest on their savings, teaching them about the concept of earning interest and the benefits of saving money.Furthermore, Rooster PLUS account enables parents to make regular deductions for expenses, such as subscriptions or school fees. This helps children understand that money needs to be allocated for different purposes and teaches them about financial planning.Overall, RoosterMoney is a comprehensive pocket money tracker app that empowers parents to teach their children about money management and financial responsibility. With its various features and options, it provides a practical and interactive way for kids to learn about money and develop good financial habits from an early age.

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