

By selling a portion of their home equity to investors, homeowners can receive a lump sum of cash without taking on additional debt. This can be particularly beneficial for homeowners who are looking to pay off high-interest debts, fund home improvements, or invest in other opportunities.Here how Point works:1. Application: Homeowners interested in using Point submit an online application. Point evaluates the homeowner eligibility based on factors such as credit score, home value, and mortgage balance.2. Home Valuation: If the homeowner meets the initial eligibility criteria, Point conducts an appraisal or automated valuation of the home to determine its current value.3. Offer: Point then makes an offer to the homeowner, specifying the amount they are willing to invest in exchange for a percentage of the home equity. The homeowner can choose to accept or decline the offer.4. Funding: If the homeowner accepts the offer, Point provides the agreed-upon funds to the homeowner. The funds can be used for any purpose, and there are no restrictions on how the money is spent.5. Repayment: Homeowners are not required to make monthly payments to Point. Instead, when the homeowner decides to sell their home or at the end of the agreed-upon term (typically 10 years), Point receives their investment back, plus a share of the home appreciation or depreciation.6. Exit Options: Homeowners have the flexibility to buy back Point share of the home equity at any time during the term. They can also choose to sell their home and settle the investment when they move out.It important to note that Point is not a loan, and homeowners are not taking on additional debt. Instead, they are selling a portion of their home equity to investors, allowing them to access the value of their home without incurring monthly payments or interest charges.Overall, Point provides homeowners with a unique opportunity to unlock the wealth in their home and achieve financial freedom without taking on additional debt.

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